image: Mark Master Mason (Consolidated Rite of Freemasonry)
image: Mark Master Mason breast jewel

breast jewel

Mark Master Mason

Under the English Constitution, the work of a Mark Master Mason is practiced separately from the Degrees of the Craft, and a candidate must be a Master Mason of a regular and recognised Craft Lodge.



The ceremony requires the candidate to undertake the role of a Fellowcraft. Moral and ethical lessons are conveyed using the Masonic legend of the building of King Solomon's Temple.


Assemblies of Brethren working as Mark Master Masons are called 'Lodges'. They work an Advancement Ceremony to bring in new members and an Installation Ceremony for presiding officers.


Governing body
The work of Mark Master Masons is administrated from Mark Masons' Hall in London. The symbol of a Mark Master Mason is the keystone, an important element of ancient and modern architecture.



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